About Us

Welcome to Crosskart Canada! We are thrilled to introduce you to our exciting new business venture.

Our company was founded by a passionate entrepreneur who not only runs a successful business in Canada but also has a background in racing. This unique combination of skills and experience has helped to shape our vision for Crosskart Canada and we are confident that it will lead to success.

We are also fortunate to have partnered with an IT professional who manages our website and ensures a seamless online experience for our customers.

We are currently in the development stage, working on bringing more Crosskarts to Canada. We are also in the process of figuring out how to get parts into North America and are actively working on developing our first Crosskart in Canada.

We would like to invite you to follow our progress and stay informed about the latest developments by subscribing to our newsletter. We look forward to providing you with a thrilling new racing experience!